if (!window.va_use_frame && window.viimo_carousel_setup){
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// keys
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Object.keys = function (object) {
var keys = [];
for (var name in object) {
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return keys;
// ChildNode.remove
(function () {
"use strict";
if(!("remove" in Element.prototype)){
Element.prototype.remove = function(){
if(this.parentNode) {
var win = window;
var raf = win.requestAnimationFrame
|| win.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
|| win.mozRequestAnimationFrame
|| win.msRequestAnimationFrame
|| function(cb) { return setTimeout(cb, 16); };
var win$1 = window;
var caf = win$1.cancelAnimationFrame
|| win$1.mozCancelAnimationFrame
|| function(id){ clearTimeout(id); };
function extend() {
var obj, name, copy,
target = arguments[0] || {},
i = 1,
length = arguments.length;
for (; i < length; i++) {
if ((obj = arguments[i]) !== null) {
for (name in obj) {
copy = obj[name];
if (target === copy) {
} else if (copy !== undefined) {
target[name] = copy;
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function checkStorageValue (value) {
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function setLocalStorage(key, value, access) {
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// Trigger layout so kinetic scrolling isn't disabled in iOS6+
// eslint-disable-next-line
// get css-calc
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body = getBody(),
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div = doc.createElement('div'),
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// get subpixel support value
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// check subpixel layout supporting
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body = getBody(),
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outer = doc.createElement('div'),
str = '',
count = 70,
perPage = 3,
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str += '
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function mediaquerySupport () {
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body = getBody(),
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div = doc.createElement('div'),
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version: function(){
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this.version_id = this.searchVersion(navigator.userAgent)
|| this.searchVersion(navigator.appVersion);
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searchString: function(data) {
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return parseFloat(dataString.substring(index + this.versionSearchString.length + 1));
dataBrowser: [
string: navigator.vendor,
subString: "Apple",
identity: "Safari"
prop: window.opera,
identity: "Opera"
string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "Firefox",
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string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "MSIE",
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string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "Trident",
identity: "Explorer",
versionSearch: "MSIE"
string: navigator.userAgent,
subString: "Chrome",
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return vimo_14567612881.utils.browser.type() == "Explorer";
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return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i);
isBlackBerry: function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i);
isiOS: function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i);
isOperaMobile: function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i);
isWindowsMobile: function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i);
isMobile: function() {
return (vimo_14567612881.utils.isAndroid() || vimo_14567612881.utils.isBlackBerry() || vimo_14567612881.utils.isiOS() || vimo_14567612881.utils.isOperaMobile() || vimo_14567612881.utils.isWindowsMobile());
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return has_class;
isDescendantFromId: function(el, id) {
var has_id = el.id == id;
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has_id = vimo_14567612881.utils.isDescendantFromId(el.parentNode, id);
return has_id;
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element.removeEventListener(event, action, false);
// Bad citizens.
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element.detachEvent('on'+event, action);
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// Bad citizens.
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linear: function(progress) {
return progress;
quadratic: function(progress) {
return Math.pow(progress, 2);
swing: function(progress) {
return 0.5 - Math.cos(progress * Math.PI) / 2;
circ: function(progress) {
return 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(progress));
back: function(progress, x) {
return Math.pow(progress, 2) * ((x + 1) * progress - x);
bounce: function(progress) {
for (var a = 0, b = 1, result; 1; a += b, b /= 2) {
if (progress >= (7 - 4 * a) / 11) {
return -Math.pow((11 - 6 * a - 11 * progress) / 4, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2);
elastic: function(progress, x) {
return Math.pow(2, 10 * (progress - 1)) * Math.cos(20 * Math.PI * x / 3 * progress);
animate_interval: function(options, start) {
var timePassed = new Date - start;
if (typeof(options.duration) == 'undefined'){
var progress = timePassed / options.duration;
if (progress > 1 || progress == Number.NaN || typeof(progress) == 'undefined') {
progress = 1;
} else if (progress < 1){
} else{
progress = 1;
options.progress = progress;
options.counter = options.counter + 1;
var delta = options.delta(progress);
// other action (fadeIn/fadeOut) started
if (delta == -999999){
if (progress == 1) {
} else{
if (options.counter < 2000){
setTimeout(function() { vimo_14567612881.utils.animate_interval(options, start)}, options.delay || 10);
} else{
// bug
animate_internal: function(options) {
var start = new Date;
options.counter = 1;
setTimeout(function() {vimo_14567612881.utils.animate_interval(options, start)}, options.delay || 10);
/*var id = setInterval(function() {
var timePassed = new Date - start;
var progress = timePassed / options.duration;
if (progress > 1) {
progress = 1;
options.progress = progress;
var delta = options.delta(progress);
if (progress == 1) {
}, options.delay || 10);*/
animate_left: function(element, from_location, to_location, time) {
options = {
duration: time,
complete: function() {
var to = (to_location - from_location) > 0 ? 1 : 0
duration: options.duration,
delta: function(progress) {
//progress = this.progress;
return vimo_14567612881.utils.easing.swing(progress);
complete: options.complete,
step: function(delta) {
if (from_location < 0){
delta = delta * -1;
element.style.left = (from_location + (delta * (from_location - to_location))) + 'px';
animate_right: function(element, from_location, to_location, time) {
options = {
duration: time,
complete: function() {
var to = (to_location - from_location) > 0 ? 1 : 0
duration: options.duration,
delta: function(progress) {
//progress = this.progress;
return vimo_14567612881.utils.easing.swing(progress);
complete: options.complete,
step: function(delta) {
element.style.right = (from_location + (delta * (to_location - from_location))) + 'px';
elements_action: {},
fadeOut: function(element, options) {
// need to find a way to tell the fadeIn to stop action
vimo_14567612881.utils.elements_action[element] = "fadeOut";
if (options == "fast")
options = {
duration: 300,
complete: function() {
if (options == "normal")
options = {
duration: 800,
complete: function() {
var to = 1;
duration: options.duration,
delta: function(progress) {
if (vimo_14567612881.utils.elements_action[element] != "fadeOut"){
return -999999;
//progress = this.progress;
return vimo_14567612881.utils.easing.swing(progress);
complete: options.complete,
step: function(delta) {
element.style.opacity = to - delta;
if (element.style.opacity == 0){
element.style.display = "none";
fadeIn: function(element, options, complete) {
// need to find a way to tell the fadeOut to stop action
vimo_14567612881.utils.elements_action[element] = "fadeIn";
element.style.opacity = 0;
if (element.style.display == "none"){
element.style.display = "block";
var to = 0;
if (options == "fast")
options = {
duration: 300,
complete: function() {
if (complete){
if (options == "normal")
options = {
duration: 800,
complete: function() {
if (complete){
duration: options.duration,
delta: function(progress) {
if (vimo_14567612881.utils.elements_action[element] != "fadeIn"){
return -999999;
//progress = this.progress;
return vimo_14567612881.utils.easing.swing(progress);
complete: options.complete,
step: function(delta) {
element.style.opacity = to + delta;
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var D = document;
return Math.max(
D.body.scrollHeight, D.documentElement.scrollHeight,
D.body.offsetHeight, D.documentElement.offsetHeight,
D.body.clientHeight, D.documentElement.clientHeight
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// html = document.documentElement;
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//Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight)
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m = "clientWidth";
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var d = document,
m = "scrollTop";
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var d = document,
m = "scrollLeft";
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if (window.viimo_req){
params = params + "&rtbreq=" + escape(window.viimo_req);
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injectImage: function(url){
var img = document.createElement("img");
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img.className = 'vimo_14567612881_trk_img';
// inpage
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window: function(){
return window.top;
return window;
allow: false,
execute: function(){
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inpage_setup = window.viimo_inpage_setup;
if (!vimo_14567612881.inPage.allow || !inpage_setup){
//disabled view tracking
if(vimo_14567612881.settings.inpage_disabled_view_tracking && !window.inpage_disabled_view_tracking) {
vimo_14567612881.settings.inpage_disabled_view_tracking = false;
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if (vimo_14567612881.settings.validate_blacklist){
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vimo_14567612881.tracker.reportBlackList("init", "");
if (window.vimo_14567612881_content_no_fill){
} else if (vimo_14567612881.inPage.window().vimo_14567612881_content_no_fill){
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for (var i = 0; i < inpage_setup.length; i++) {
var setup = inpage_setup[i];
if (!setup.handled){
setup.handled = true;
setup.format, false, undefined, setup.use_rtb_direct, setup, setup.tier);
request_hook: [],
request_refresh: function(st, suffix, force){
var img = st;
if (st.refresh_requested){
st.refresh_requested = true;
vimo_14567612881.layer.generic_refresh_counter += 1;
// this hsould be call after the current ad was shown (shown is counter only after 5 sec of shown)
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st.requested_on_noshow = false;
vimo_14567612881.inPage.request_hook_inpage_action(st, st.unit_format, true, suffix);
refresh_replace_on_content_ready: function(st){
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// should replace the ads (make frame invisible and refresh visible)
st.inpage_frame.style.display = 'none';
st.inpage_frame = st.refresh_frame;
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var ad_data = ads['ads'][0];
container_index = ad_data["placementCode"];
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validate_blacklist: false,
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cid: "inpage_rtb",
unit_filler: undefined,
pricing_model: "cpm",
is_content_recommendation: false
index = 0;
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var inpage_setup = window.viimo_inpage_setup_14567612881;
if (inpage_setup == undefined){
inpage_setup = window.viimo_inpage_setup;
// call passback;
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validate_blacklist: false,
html: inpage_setup[container_index].passback_html,
format : format,
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cid: "inpage_rtb",
unit_filler: undefined,
pricing_model: "cpm",
is_content_recommendation: false
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guid: function(len) {
var buf = [],
chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',
charlen = chars.length,
length = len || 32;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
buf[i] = chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charlen));
return buf.join('');
request_hook_inpage_action: function(container_element, unit_format, is_refresh, suffix, use_rtb_direct, setup, tier, cid, product){
var container_index = vimo_14567612881.inPage.request_hook.length;
vimo_14567612881.inPage.request_hook[container_index] = container_element;
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product = setup.product;
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product = container_element.product;
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product = 'inpage';
//auto passback variables
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vimo_14567612881.layer.productCounter[product] = [];
vimo_14567612881.layer.inPageAutopass_inited = true;
vimo_14567612881.layer.elementsCounter[product][container_index] = 0;
vimo_14567612881.layer.productCounter[product][container_index] = 0;
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cid = "vimo_14567612881_"+ product;
if (unit_format == null){
if (is_refresh){
cid = cid + "_rf";
if (suffix){
cid = cid + suffix;
container_element.cid = cid;
if (setup){
container_element.sub_id = setup.sub_id;
var ab_label = "&ab=";
if (vimo_14567612881.ab_label) ab_label += vimo_14567612881.ab_label;
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if (use_rtb_direct){
request = []
unit_sizes = unit_format.split('x')
request_id = vimo_14567612881.inPage.guid();
bidderRequestId = '11'
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"adtgid": "14567721976",
"devices": [
"placementCode": container_index,
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screen_h: vimo_14567612881.layer.h,
language: vimo_14567612881.layer.language(),
keywords: vimo_14567612881.page.keywords(),
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bidderRequestId: bidderRequestId,
callback: 'vimo_14567612881.inPage.request_rtb_callback',
publisher_id: vimo_14567612881.layer.get_sid(),
bids: encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(bids))
imonomy_domain = window.viimo_domain; // should be replaced
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request.unshift(protocol + '://' + imonomy_domain + '/openrtb/hb/' + vimo_14567612881.layer.get_sid() + '?id=' + request_id);
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if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
request.push(key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key]));
unit_code_url = request.join('&')
} else {
unit_code_url = vimo_14567612881.utils.protocol() +'//srv.imonomy.com/internal/serve?v=2&format=' + unit_format + '&img=true&cid=' + cid + ab_label + '&isps=' + vimo_14567612881.layer.shopping_site() + '&rdn=vimo_14567612881_image_$$fid$$&fid=' + container_index +'&cb=vimo_14567612881.inPage.hook_inPage_action($$fid$$, vimo_14567612881_image_$$fid$$, ' + is_refresh + ', '+ container_index + ', "' + product+'")';
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"cid": cid,
"fid": container_index
container_element.unit_format = unit_format;
if(vimo_14567612881.settings.one_request && !is_refresh){
return one_request_obj;
var client_unit = null;
if (vimo_14567612881.settings.is_client && vimo_14567612881.utils.is_client_valid()){
if (tier == undefined){tier = 0;}
client_unit = vimo_14567612881.utils.get_client_ad(product, unit_format, tier, cid);
if (client_unit != null){
client_unit.fid = container_index;
var origin_ad_id = undefined;
if (setup && setup.origin_ad_id){
origin_ad_id = setup.origin_ad_id;
vimo_14567612881.page.trackServ(client_unit.unit_id, undefined, cid, container_element.sub_id, origin_ad_id, undefined, unit_format, tier, true);
client_unit.html = client_unit.html.replace('$$curr_tier$$', tier);
vimo_14567612881.inPage.hook_inPage_action(container_index, client_unit ,is_refresh, container_index, product);
} else {
var sub_id = undefined;
if (setup){
sub_id = setup.sub_id;
vimo_14567612881.utils.issue_unit_request(unit_code_url, undefined, undefined, sub_id);
hook_inPage_action: function(index, unit_data, is_refresh, container_index, product){
if (unit_data.validate_blacklist && !vimo_14567612881.settings.whitelist_site){
if (vimo_14567612881.page.isContainsBlackListWord()){
vimo_14567612881.tracker.reportBlackList(product, unit_data.unit_id);
if (window.vimo_14567612881_content_no_fill){
} else if (vimo_14567612881.inPage.window().vimo_14567612881_content_no_fill){
} catch (e) { }
} else{
var st = vimo_14567612881.inPage.request_hook[index];
// create new iframe only in first time
if (!is_refresh){
st.product = product;
st.index = container_index;
if (unit_data.height){
st.unit_height = unit_data.height;
if (unit_data.width){
st.unit_width = unit_data.width;
st.inpage_frame = document.createElement('iframe');
if (st.inpage_frame.watchatt){
st.inpage_frame.className = "vimo_14567612881_strip_frame";
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st.inpage_frame.marginHeight = 0;
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st.inpage_frame.setAttribute('use_sandbox', 'true');
} else {
st.inpage_frame.setAttribute('sandbox','allow-pointer-lock allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups');
st.show = function (internal) {
var st_el = this;
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st_el.style.display = vimo_14567612881.settings.default_display;
st_el.style.height = 'auto';
if (vimo_14567612881.settings.time_to_refresh > 0 && vimo_14567612881.layer.generic_refresh_counter < vimo_14567612881.settings.generic_refresh_count){
var timer_interval = 8000;
st_el.refresh_timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, vimo_14567612881.settings.time_to_refresh);
// set frame code....
var unit_code = ""+unit_data.html +""
if (is_refresh){
st.refresh_frame = document.createElement('iframe');
if (st.refresh_frame.watchatt){
st.refresh_frame.className = "vimo_14567612881_strip_frame";
st.refresh_frame.style.display = 'none';
st.refresh_frame.st = st;
if ((vimo_14567612881.settings.use_sandbox_iframes && !vimo_14567612881.utils.isMobile()) || (vimo_14567612881.utils.isMobile() && vimo_14567612881.settings.use_sandbox_iframes_mobile)){
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st.refresh_frame.setAttribute('use_sandbox', 'true');
} else {
st.refresh_frame.setAttribute('sandbox','allow-pointer-lock allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups');
vimo_14567612881.utils.setFrameCode(unit_code, unit_data, st, st.refresh_frame, false, false, true);
if (is_refresh){
} else {
vimo_14567612881.utils.setFrameCode(unit_code, unit_data, st, st.inpage_frame, false, false, true);
return this;
isContentLoaded: function(st){ //iinpage
st.lastCheckInPageContentTime = st.lastCheckInPageContentTime || Date.now();
var force_reload_ads = (st.is_inpage_content_loaded && (Date.now() - vimo_14567612881.layer.lastCheckInPageContentTime >= vimo_14567612881.settings.recheck_content_loaded_interval * 1000)) && vimo_14567612881.settings.recheck_content_loaded_interval > -1
st.inpage_frame.product = st.product;
st.inpage_frame.index = st.index;
if (force_reload_ads || typeof(st.is_inpage_content_loaded) == 'undefined') {
var is_loaded = vimo_14567612881.layer.checkIframeContent(st.inpage_frame);
var check_load = st.is_inpage_content_loaded;
if (st.is_inpage_content_loaded && !is_loaded[0] && st.notifyOnContentReadyChangeFalse){
if (is_loaded[1] || is_loaded[0]) {
if (is_loaded[1]){
st.is_inpage_content_loaded = is_loaded[0];
if ((typeof(check_load) == 'undefined' || !check_load) && st.is_inpage_content_loaded) {
vimo_14567612881.page.trackServ(975, "content_loaded", st.cid, st.sub_id, st.loaded_ad_id);
if (window.vimo_content_loaded){
if (is_loaded.length > 2){
st.loaded_ad_id = is_loaded[2];
if (is_loaded.length > 3){
st.ad_refuse_refresh = is_loaded[3];
if (typeof(st.loaded_ad_id) != "undefined" && st.loaded_ad_id == 998 && !st.is_content_loaded && vimo_14567612881.settings.refresh_noshow_chain_times > -1 && typeof(st.requested_on_noshow) == 'undefined'){
if (!st.requested_on_noshow_count){
st.requested_on_noshow_count = 0;
if (st.requested_on_noshow_count >=vimo_14567612881.settings.refresh_noshow_chain_times){
st.requested_on_noshow = true;
vimo_14567612881.inPage.request_refresh(st, "_ns", true);
}, vimo_14567612881.settings.refresh_noshow_chain_interval)
if (!is_loaded[0]){
if (window.vimo_14567612881_content_no_fill){
} else if (vimo_14567612881.inPage.window().vimo_14567612881_content_no_fill){
} catch (e) { }
} else if (!is_loaded[0]){
st.is_inpage_content_loaded = undefined;
if (vimo_14567612881.settings.recheck_content_loaded_interval > -1) {
delete st.lastCheckInPageContentTime;
if (check_load && !st.is_inpage_content_loaded) {
vimo_14567612881.page.trackServ(974, "revert_shown", st.cid, st.sub_id, st.loaded_ad_id);
st.is_inpage_content_loaded = undefined;
return is_loaded[0];
} else {
return st.is_inpage_content_loaded;
check_inpageInview: function(st){
st.style.visibility = 'hidden';
st.style.display = vimo_14567612881.settings.default_display;
var size = vimo_14567612881.image._getImgSize(st, true);
var shown = size[4];
if (shown){
vimo_14567612881.page.trackServ(983, "ImageOnView", st.cid, st.sub_id);
} else{
st.check_inview_timer = setTimeout(function() {
vimo_14567612881.inPage.check_inpageInview(st); },
hook_on_content_ready: function(st){
var showed = false;
if (vimo_14567612881.inPage.isContentLoaded(st)){
st.style.display = vimo_14567612881.settings.default_display;
st.style.visibility = 'visible';
var shown = vimo_14567612881.image._getImgSize(st)[4];
if (window.vimo_14567612881_content_loaded){
} else if (vimo_14567612881.inPage.window().vimo_14567612881_content_loaded){
} catch (e) { }
if (st.notifyOnContentReady && !st.notify_on_content_ready){
st.notify_on_content_ready = true;
if (shown){
showed = true;
if (!st.should_notify_on_show || (st.should_notify_on_show && st.should_notify_on_show())){
vimo_14567612881.page.trackServ(985, "shown", st.cid, st.sub_id, st.loaded_ad_id);
if (!showed) {
setTimeout(function() {
vimo_14567612881.layer.productCounter[st.product][st.index]= parseInt(vimo_14567612881.layer.productCounter[st.product][st.index]) + 1;
}, 400);
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trackServe_time : new Date().getTime(),
encoded_partner: 14567612881,
sub_id: window.viimo_sub_id,
title: function(){
return document.title;
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dynamic_script_ads_marker: '',
unit_marker_url: '',
refresh_noshow_chain_interval: 1000,
refresh_noshow_chain_times: 1,
tmt_blacklist: eval(atob('')),
manipulate_settings: false,
recheck_content_loaded_interval: -1,
Check_Bots : 10,
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case "carousel":
Imonomy.prototype.bindCarouselToElem = function(elem) {
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brandName = this._brandName;
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Imonomy.prototype.buildCarousel = function(setup) {
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brandName = this._brandName,
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var tier = j;
// create container
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carouselSlideContent.className = 'im-carousel__wrap-content';
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carouselSlide.notifyOnContentReady = function(hide){
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if (container_elem.initedCarousel && new_item_count > 1){
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return [carouselWrap, carousel_containers];
Imonomy.prototype.loadScript = function(url, tagName) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = url;
script.onload = function() {
console.log("Script loaded and ready \n"+ url);
script.onerror = function(error) {
console.log("Script not loaded \n"+ url);
reject(new Error(error));
Imonomy.prototype.loadLink = function(url) {
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = url;
Imonomy.prototype.findElems = function(selectors) {
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var selector = selectors[i],
domElems = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
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return potentialElems;
Imonomy.prototype.limitElems = function(limit, potentialElems) {
if ( limit <= -1 ) {
return potentialElems;
return potentialElems.slice(0, limit);
Imonomy.prototype.init = function() {
var brand = this._brandObj,
brandName = this._brandName,
_self = this,
if (brand.settings.manipulate_settings){
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//disabled view tracking
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brand.inPage.window()[_brandName + '_content_no_fill']('');
} catch (e) { }
} else{
.then(function onSuccessConfigsLoad() {
var manipulate_settings;
configs = imonomySettings.configInstance;
manipulate_settings = configs.manipulate_settings;
if ( manipulate_settings
&& typeof manipulate_settings === 'function' ) {
.then(function onSuccessManipulateSettingsLoad() {
.then(function onSuccessVendorsLoad() {
for (var i = 0; i < window.viimo_carousel_setup.length; i++) {
var setup = window.viimo_carousel_setup[i];
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} else {
var carousel_number_of_units = brand.settings.carousel_number_of_units;
if (carousel_number_of_units == -1){
carousel_number_of_units = ad_chain.length;
} else {
carousel_number_of_units = Math.min(carousel_number_of_units, ad_chain.length)
for (var j = 0; j < carousel_number_of_units; j++) {
var index = 0;
if (brand.settings.carousel_use_flat_chain){
index = j;
carousel_chain.push({"unit_id": ad_chain[index], "format": "300x250", "width": 300})
if (setup.sub_id == undefined){
setup.sub_id = 'carousel';
for (var j = 0; j < carousel_chain.length; j++) {
if (carousel_chain[j].unit_id === '998') {
var tier = 0;
if (brand.settings.carousel_use_flat_chain){
tier = j;
// create container
brand.settings.carousel_containers[i][j].should_notify_on_show = function(){
if (!this.parentElement.notified_on_show){
this.parentElement.notified_on_show = true;
return true;
return false;
var product = "carousel";
if (setup.product){
product = setup.product;
.catch(function onFailLoad(error) {
console.error('fail execute script');
/*--------- CLASS IMONOMY CAROUSEL ---------*/
function ImonomyCarousel(elem) {
this._elem = elem;
this.waitForPassback = 5000;
this.sideOffset = 0;
this.customSideOffset = 16;
this.custonOffestTop = 5;
this.custonOffestBottom = 35;
this.windowWidth = 0;
this.updateLocationsObserver = new Observer();
this.showedAdsId = [];
ImonomyCarousel.prototype = Object.create(Imonomy.prototype);
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.constructor = ImonomyCarousel;
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.init = function() {
var _self = this,
elem = _self._elem,
carouselTag = elem.imCarouselTag,
carouselConfigs = imonomySettings.configInstance.carouselOptions;
if ( !_self.isWindowWidthAccepted(carouselTag) ) {
carouselConfigs.edgePadding = elem.clientWidth > 300 ? Math.min(10, Math.max(elem.clientWidth-300, 0)) : 0;
carouselConfigs.gutter = elem.clientWidth > 300 ? Math.min(10, Math.max(elem.clientWidth-300, 0)) : 0;
carouselConfigs.container = carouselTag;
window.imonomySlider = elem.initedCarousel;
elem.initedCarousel = tns(carouselConfigs);
_self.setLocations(elem, carouselTag);
_self.requestShowCarousel(elem, carouselTag);
_self.bindListeners(elem, carouselTag);
_self.updateLocationsObserver.subscribe(function onBroadcast(payload) {
if ( payload.adTag.forceClosed ) {
_self.setLocations(payload.elem, payload.adTag);
_self.requestPlayCarousel(payload.elem.imCarouselWrap, payload.elem.initedCarousel);
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.defineSideOffset = function(carouselTag) {
var _self = this,
windowWidth = window.outerWidth,
carouselObj = carouselTag.elem.initedCarousel.getInfo(),
carouselCenterOffset = carouselObj.sideOffset,
currentSlideIndex = carouselObj.index,
currentSlide = carouselObj.slideItems[currentSlideIndex];
/* if it is not the first slide then return */
if ( currentSlideIndex ) {
if ( _self.windowWidth !== windowWidth ) {
_self.windowWidth = windowWidth;
_self.sideOffset = carouselCenterOffset ? carouselCenterOffset : currentSlide.getBoundingClientRect().left;
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.correctLocation = function(carouselTag) {
if ( carouselTag.elem.initedCarousel.getInfo().slideCount <= 1 ) {
var _self = this,
carouselObj = carouselTag.elem.initedCarousel.getInfo(),
currentSlideIndex = carouselObj.index,
lastSlideIndex = carouselObj.slideCountNew - 1;
if ( currentSlideIndex === 0 ) {
_self.setSideOffset(carouselTag, 'start');
} else if ( currentSlideIndex === lastSlideIndex ) {
_self.setSideOffset(carouselTag, 'end');
} else {
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.setSideOffset = function(carousel, edge) {
var _self = this,
sideOffset = _self.sideOffset - _self.customSideOffset,
carouselList = carousel.parentElement;
switch(edge) {
case 'start':
carouselList.style.setProperty('transform', 'translate(-' + sideOffset + 'px, 0)');
case 'end':
carouselList.style.setProperty('transform', 'translate(' + sideOffset + 'px, 0)');
carouselList.style.setProperty('transform', 'translate(0, 0)');
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.isImCarouselHeightAccepted = function(carousel) {
return carousel.clientHeight >= 200;
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.isWindowWidthAccepted = function() {
return true;//window.innerWidth <= 480;
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.setLocations = function(elem, adTag) {
var elemPosition = this.getCoords(elem);
elem.imCarouselWrap.style.top = "0px";
elem.imCarouselWrap.style.left = '0px';
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.requestShowCarousel = function(elem, adTag) {
if ( adTag.forceClosed ) {
/*here can be some checking conditions before showing the inpage */
this.showCarousel(elem, adTag);
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.requestPlayCarousel = function(adTag, initedCarousel) {
if ( this.isInViewport(adTag) || (window != window.top) ) {
} else {
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.showCarousel = function(elem, adTag) {
if ( adTag.shown ) {
adTag.shown = true;
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.hideImCarousel = function(elem, adTag) {
adTag.forceClosed = true;
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.fireBroadcast = function(elem, adTag) {
elem: elem,
adTag: adTag
ImonomyCarousel.prototype.bindListeners = function(elem, carousel) {
var _self = this,
carouselCloseBtn = elem.imCarouselWrap.querySelector('.close-btn');
carouselCloseBtn.addEventListener('click', this.hideImCarousel.bind(this, elem, carousel));
document.addEventListener('scroll', this.fireBroadcast.bind(this, elem, carousel));
window.addEventListener('resize', this.fireBroadcast.bind(this, elem, carousel));
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.fireBroadcast.bind(this, elem, carousel));
elem.initedCarousel.events.on('transitionEnd', function () {
if ( !_self.isImCarouselHeightAccepted(carousel) ) {
if ( carousel.forceClosed ) {
// _self.correctLocation(carousel);
/*--------- RUN IMONOMY ---------*/
var imonomySettings = new ImonomySettings(),
imonomy = new Imonomy(vimo_14567612881, 'vimo_14567612881');